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Faster internet for gamers

Dive into a world where every shot counts and every move is precise. With Arrive, redefine the boundaries of smooth, uninterrupted gameplay.

Taric M.

Why did we create Arrive?

As CEO of Arrive, I got into this space about 10 years ago while playing League of Legends. I had such bad lag I couldn't play the game, and I put to use my skills in multiplayer game development to create a solution just for myself so I could get back to playing. This solution evolved into what is now Arrive!

Our goal at Arrive is to help you fix your lag. Reclaim your internet connection, get a competitive edge, and most of all, get more from your gaming experience!

Perhaps you have unstable internet causing frequent freezes inĀ game leading to rubber banding, or constantly missing shots and abilities not due to your skill, but due to instability. Your internet may be smooth, but your ping is so high that you can't react quickly or do particular combos like performing a flawless Lee Sin Insec in League of Legends that require low latency. Everything is consistent, but it all just feels sluggish.

Or, you could have decent internet but would like a competitive edge. Reducing even a couple milliseconds of ping, or having your connection move from "pretty smooth" to "perfectly smooth" allowing you to enjoy your games just that much better.

As founders of Arrive and lifelong gamers, we've been afflicted and frustrated by all these problems and wanted to do something about it.

What's the magic tech?

How does one go about creating a faster, real-time internet for gamers?Arrive is working with some of the best network engineers in the business . These include leads from network and infrastructure teams at major game studios plus ISPs, to those who helped invent some of the original internet protocols. We have already shipped an early version of our product that you can download now and test out. We're hard at work designing and building the full solution. Simultaneously we're getting help from companies like Cloudflare to access many more low-latency routes that will reduce the ping for players.


Our product today is in the MVP stage. We're seeing great pre-alpha results from gamers in Western Canada, and we're gradually expanding both the geographical areas we cover as well as further boosting performance in the area it already works quite well for.

How can I help?

The best thing you can do is to download the product, if you play LoL on the NA, EU, LAN, or SING servers. Test it out, join our discord, and post your results (good or bad!) in feedback. This helps us understand how well our product is working, where we can improve, and any other feedback whether it is suggestions for new features, or marketing ideas or whatever, is very welcome!

How much does Arrive cost?

Arrive is free to use. We believe strongly in the Freemium model. Our core product is free forever and you can download Arrive today.

Thank you!

Thanks for being part of our journey! The most important thing for us is getting feedback. We're trying to understand for which users our product is most effective, how effective it is, and whether that benefit is valuable or not. We're trying to discover bugs. We're thinking about various new features and love to get ideas from the community. Please hit us up on Discord with any feedback!