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Interview with Macrometa

How Arrive Conquers Lag And Accelerates Esports Traffic With Macrometa Global Data Network

Feature Article.

In a captivating exchange between Taric Mirza, the founder and CEO of Arrive, and Alan Evans, Principal Technologist of Macrometa, Taric shares his journey from a frustrated gamer grappling with lag in League of Legends to spearheading a revolutionary solution in Esports. His creation, Arrive, sprang from a blend of passion and necessity, aiming to banish the bane of lag that plagues gamers worldwide. Taric's story is a relatable one for any gamer who's ever faced the dreaded lag monster.

Key Insights from the Interview

  1. Taric Mirza's Personal Experience: Faced with severe lag in League of Legends, Taric was driven to find a solution to this pervasive issue in gaming.

  2. Creation of Arrive: Arrive is a startup focusing on improving the Esports gaming experience by tackling internet lag, starting with solutions for League of Legends and planning to expand to more games.

  3. Macrometa's Role: Arrive collaborates with Macrometa, utilizing its Global Data Network (GDN) to manage their global infrastructure, ensuring low latency and efficient server management.

  4. Arrive's Core Product: A client software that gamers install, which routes game traffic through the Arrive network to optimize internet routes and reduce lag.

Read the full article here:

How Arrive Conquers Lag And Accelerates Esports Traffic With Macrometa Global Data Network